Go to the documentation of this file.
4 #include <deque>
5 #include <vector>
8 #include "ros_marty/data_t.hpp"
11 #define TRAJ_FROMZERO 0x01
12 #define TRAJ_TOZERO 0x02
14 // temp defs
15 #define WKSMALL 45 // 65 //62 // 75 // 45
16 #define WKLARGE 125
17 #define HIPSTEP 30
18 #define INTERP_DT 0.02
20 namespace Trajectory {
22 float gettime();
24 bool interpTrajectory(data_t tIn, data_t& tOut, float dt);
25 void printTrajectory(data_t& traj);
26 bool runTrajectory(MartyCore* robot, data_t& traj);
27 data_t genStepLeft(MartyCore* robot, int stepLength, int turn, float period);
28 data_t genStepRight(MartyCore* robot, int stepLength, int turn, float period);
29 data_t genKickLeft(MartyCore* robot, float period);
30 data_t genKickRight(MartyCore* robot, float period);
31 data_t genSitBack(MartyCore* robot, float period);
32 data_t genGetUp(MartyCore* robot);
33 data_t genRaisedFootTwistLeft(MartyCore* robot, float period);
34 data_t genRaisedFootTwistRight(MartyCore* robot, float period);
35 data_t genCelebration(MartyCore* robot, float move_time);
36 data_t genReturnToZero(MartyCore* robot, float period);
37 bool setPointsLeanLeft(data_t& tSetpoints, int leanAmount, float period);
38 bool setPointsLeanRight(data_t& tSetpoints, int leanAmount, float period);
39 bool setPointsLeanForward(data_t& tSetpoints, int leanAmount, float period);
40 bool setPointsLeanBackward(data_t& tSetpoints, int leanAmount, float period);
41 bool setPointsLegsZero(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
42 bool setPointsCrossLeftLeg(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
43 bool setPointsCrossRightLeg(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
44 bool setPointsLegsApart(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
45 bool setPointsKickOutLeft(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
46 bool setPointsKickOutRight(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
47 bool setPointsFlickRight(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
48 bool setPointsCircleACW(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
49 bool setPointsCircleCW(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
50 bool setPointsTapFR(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
51 bool setPointsTapMR(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
52 bool setPointsTapBR(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
53 bool setPointsTapFL(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
54 bool setPointsTapML(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
55 bool setPointsTapBL(data_t& tSetpoints, float period);
57 bool setPointsArmsUp(data_t& tSetpoints, float amountRight, float amountLeft,
58  float period);
59 bool setPointsLeftArmUp(data_t& tSetpoints, float amount, float period);
60 bool setPointsRightArmUp(data_t& tSetpoints, float amount, float period);
62 bool setPointsEyes(data_t& tSetpoints, float targetPos, float period);
64 data_t combineTrajectories(data_t& t1, data_t& t2, vector<bool> ti);
65 data_t combineLegsArmsEyes(data_t& legs, data_t& arms, data_t& eyes);
67 int hipToBeSquare(MartyCore* robot, int robotID);
68 bool setPointsSkateLeft(data_t& tSetpoints, float amount, float period);
69 int rollerSkate(MartyCore* robot);
70 };
72 #endif /* MARTY_TRAJECTORY_HPP */
void printTrajectory(data_t &traj)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:50
bool setPointsKickOutLeft(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:573
bool setPointsLegsApart(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:562
bool setPointsLeanBackward(data_t &tSetpoints, int leanAmount, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:515
bool setPointsEyes(data_t &tSetpoints, float targetPos, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:879
data_t genGetUp(MartyCore *robot)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:400
data_t genStepLeft(MartyCore *robot, int stepLength, int turn, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:83
bool setPointsTapFR(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:721
data_t combineLegsArmsEyes(data_t &legs, data_t &arms, data_t &eyes)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:914
bool setPointsCircleCW(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:693
bool setPointsLeanForward(data_t &tSetpoints, int leanAmount, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:504
bool setPointsTapBL(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:821
bool setPointsLeanLeft(data_t &tSetpoints, int leanAmount, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:478
Marty Core header providing access to Marty methods.
bool setPointsTapML(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:801
bool setPointsRightArmUp(data_t &tSetpoints, float amount, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:867
data_t genStepRight(MartyCore *robot, int stepLength, int turn, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:141
data_t genKickLeft(MartyCore *robot, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:318
bool setPointsKickOutRight(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:610
bool runTrajectory(MartyCore *robot, data_t &traj)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:63
float gettime()
Definition: trajectory.cpp:10
bool setPointsFlickRight(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:647
bool setPointsCrossLeftLeg(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:538
bool setPointsLegsZero(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:526
bool setPointsCrossRightLeg(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:550
data_t genSitBack(MartyCore *robot, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:125
data_t genCelebration(MartyCore *robot, float move_time)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:184
bool setPointsCircleACW(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:665
bool setPointsTapBR(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:761
bool interpTrajectory(data_t tIn, data_t &tOut, float dt)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:16
bool setPointsLeftArmUp(data_t &tSetpoints, float amount, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:855
bool setPointsLeanRight(data_t &tSetpoints, int leanAmount, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:491
int hipToBeSquare(MartyCore *robot, int robotID)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:927
data_t genKickRight(MartyCore *robot, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:359
int rollerSkate(MartyCore *robot)
data_t combineTrajectories(data_t &t1, data_t &t2, vector< bool > ti)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:895
data_t genRaisedFootTwistRight(MartyCore *robot, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:271
bool setPointsTapFL(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:781
data_t genRaisedFootTwistLeft(MartyCore *robot, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:224
bool setPointsArmsUp(data_t &tSetpoints, float amountRight, float amountLeft, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:842
bool setPointsSkateLeft(data_t &tSetpoints, float amount, float period)
bool setPointsTapMR(data_t &tSetpoints, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:741
data_t genReturnToZero(MartyCore *robot, float period)
Definition: trajectory.cpp:463

Author(s): Alejandro Bordallo
autogenerated on Fri Jul 21 2017 14:51:45